Huge shout out to AusDBF and Dragon Boat Queensland for an AusChamps of sorts in a time that promises nothing!

Caloundra Coast to Coast at Kawana Waters proved to be a truly tooth chipping experience! We were onto a good thing when, outnumbering the locals 6 to 1 we took home 5 meat trays for a pool side BBQ the following night!

Still on a high from Albury, Kel wasn’t taking any chances sleeping at the bus stop to make sure she wasn’t late! Totally won over Coach Kim’s heart.

Day one also saw us take out the winners cup for the handstand challenge with long time competitors Currumbin (aka our very own Rhi Rhi!).

The winning streak did not last, with Sam, Coops and Millsy losing the very shirts off their backs in the 1am pushup challenge.

The jealousy from this shameful loss culminated in continued attempts at hair theft by Millsy and Coops. Thankfully there was always someone on hand to save Tom and his locks!

Seriously though, Komodo is about giving everything, not for a win, but for the mate you have sitting next to you, the ones in front and behind, those in the boat and those left behind in Canberra chipping ice off boats and practicing agility with bridge limbo, we give everything for our team, for Komodo…and that is what happened, every race, every time, there was nothing left.

Rookie Sarah took to the stoke seat like a pro. Leading Komodo, the prems shot out of the start line as busy as a cat burying its business, Tom’s long locks flowing behind him in the resulting wind, Oscar forced to paddle by feel. The prems thumped down the course with sheer guts, determination and grit giving everything they had and then some, Flames glancing sideways in sheer awe as the Komodo Prems pushed them to through to the end.

Race after race, Komodo did what they do, give 100% every single time.

When not racing, the women in the team set about chatting up Ben, the MC – who is now Komodo’s newest fan!

While medals were won, the friendships and trust that were forged at this event were the most valued thing we brought home with us. It was an amazing final regatta with only two dentist visits required! What a way to see the season out! Cheers Komodo you all rock!

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